This is a sponsored post. Read below... I am looking for a certain set of people. Maybe you are one of them. I am looking for someone who is highly serious about losing weight rapidly this month. I am not talking about losing 1kg or 4kg or even 5kg. I am talking about someone who is looking to lose up to 10kg - 30kg of fat! I am talking about someone who expects to go from "being big" to transform into "having a coke bottle shaped body" with a flat belly. This is for you if you currently weigh between 80 - 160kg and have excess fat all around your body and in places that you don't like it. This is for you if you have tried every weight loss program out there without seeing any result whatsoever. If you are at your wit end and you just wish all the fat on your body will just melt away, then you also fall into the category I want. What I am talking about is for SERIOUS minded people only . It's f...